Time to Unlearn the Evolutionary March of Human Progress

New discovery adds more evidence against the human evolution progression.

Lay Science Reporters Perpetuate Evolutionary Myths

Myths are homologous by common descent of mutations in logic. Or is that by design?

March of Man Disbanded

Although still widely pictured in the mass media, paleoanthropologists have long ago abandoned the iconic chart of the progression of human evolution.

Natural Selection Is Not Predictable

Every once in awhile, biologists argue over whether evolution is predictable. The latest flap over stick insects sticks up for predictability, but flops.

Darwinians Claim to See Evolution Happening Now

Unable to see evolutionary progress in the fossil record, some Darwinians try to claim they are watching it before our eyes.

Next Evolutionary Icon: Peppered Snakes?

Sea snakes said to turn black due to 'industrial melanism'—a term from the old peppered moth story. Media go wild.

Weekend Digest, May 6, 2017

Here's a collection of quick takes on interesting developments in the science news, from Saturn to a possible cure for malaria; from your liver to Sunday funnies.

Darwinians Honor a Fraud

Devoted to Charles Darwin, Ernst Haeckel was not above fabricating data to make his hero look better.

Friday Funnies: Evo-Comics

Not every Darwinian explanation is useless. Some of them can function as entertainment.

Darwin Tree Visualization Tool Obscures More Than It Educates

A new website helps visualize evolution. But does it confirm or obfuscate the real world?

The Blind Men and the Ape Man

“We have all seen the canonical parade of apes, each one becoming more human. We know that, as a depiction of evolution, this line-up is tosh. Yet we cling to it. Ideas of what human evolution ought to have been like still colour our debates.” So said Henry Gee, editor of Nature. Are other icons coloring scientists’ views of human origins? How close are they to describing scientifically where we come from?

Return of the Peppered Mice

Slight changes in the coat color of deer mice is the latest triumph of evolutionary theory.

Paper View:  Cambrian Explosion Damage Control

Like some federal official holding a press conference after a disaster, a Harvard paleontologist has tackled the unenviable job of explaining what Darwin called the most severe challenge that could be levied against his theory: the fossil record. The challenge starts with a bang...
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