Darwinism Degrades Logic

Materialists like to accuse "people of faith" of pseudoscience. Well, look again.
Order "Darwin's Dilemma" documentary here

Exceptional Cambrian Fossils Baffle Evolutionists

How did thousands of trilobites and other complex animals get buried together without damage?

Vulture Design Highlighted

Illustra Media's new short film shows that ugly things can be beautiful in their own way.

Masterpieces of Intelligent Design Portrayed

Illustra Media's latest short film contains a powerful argument against Darwinian evolution.

Another Fish Story That Is True

You'll be amazed at the power of a salmon's homing instinct in this short video.

Magical Thinking by Evolutionists

Natural selection is a magic wand to evolutionists. It creates scientists from fish.

Wildflowers Illustrate Resurrection

Enjoy a beautiful new video for Easter from Illustra Media.

Archive: Gates of the Cell, and More ID Evidence

These articles from March 2002 were interesting then and still are now.

Hummingbirds Thrive on Sugar

Why don't hummingbirds get diabetes? They didn't evolve to live on sugar; they were designed that way.

Spiral Galaxies Revealed in Dazzling Multicolored Splendor

New images from the Webb telescope combined with Hubble images present a catalog of awesome structures.

Explore Inside a Migrating Salmon’s Nostril

Awesome circuitry is animated in Illustra Media's latest short film.

The Greatest Gift

A short new video from Illustra Media puts the Christmas story in eternal perspective.

Spotted and Striped: Why Many Animals Have Elaborate Patterns

Evolutionists are at a loss to explain the patterns that adorn many diverse animals.

Illustra Highlights a Monarch Wonder

Learn about butterflies that live long and fly thousands of miles to an exact spot they have never seen.

Honeybee Engineering Showcased

Illustra's new short film reveals the ability of honeybees to make superb architecture.
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