Bird Flight Highlighted

A new release from Illustra Media combines some of its best clips on birds plus new material into a short film on flight.
Amazing Facts

You’ll Never Guess the Most Efficient Animal Swimmer

This beautiful and informative video announcing the winner was released this month by Illustra Media.

Design of Snowflakes Explained

Illustra has released a new short film on snowflakes. What kind of design do crystals represent, natural or intentional?

Why Religion Is a Meaningless Category

How can two ideologies with polar opposite doctrines and consequences be labeled with the same word?

Flagellar Motor Is Actually Many Motors

A new model of the bacterial flagellum, an icon of intelligent design, has just increased the design complexity even more.

Bird Ballet Revealed

Illustra's latest short film displays a wonder of nature: the coordinated formation flights of thousands of birds.

Romans Won: Creation Wins the Evidence Contest

St. Paul was right: the knowledge of God is obvious from creation. Here's a new short film that powerfully reinforces that point.

Seeing Cells Is Seeing Complex Organization

Darwin and Haeckel would never have dreamed of the complex specified information to be found in "protoplasm."

New Video Shows the Boggling Amount of Code in Your Body

Illustra's new short film, "18 Trillion Feet of You," shows how DNA is packed into the 3 trillion nucleated cells, and how far all of it would reach.

Tiny Fly Beats Robots

Fruit flies dart, circle, zig and zag rapidly. Researchers gain some insight into how they do it so efficiently.

Creation Is the Cure for Social Injustice

Some people clamoring for social justice are going about it the wrong way. Don't look sideways. Look up. Look down.

New Illustra Film: The Seed that Drills Itself into the Ground

Some of the most extraordinary events in nature take place in small, common plants under our feet.

Teach Science in the Yard

Parents caught in the role of home schoolers should take their students outside for two benefits: education and health.

Botanical Marvels: How Plants Catch Light and Take Flight

Land plants enhance our world in many ways, but some of the most amazing ways are at the micro level and atomic level.

Watch Illustra Classics Free

Are you quarantined at home? Illustra Media has opened its treasure chest and is streaming its classic films for free.
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