Solar System Mars Youth Shows in New Study July 18, 2022 The basis for believing Mars is billions of years old and had oceans like the Earth comes under fire in a new study. CONTINUE READING
Solar System Secular Astronomy Fails, I: Solar System November 6, 2019 From planets to stars to galaxies, objects don't fit the expectations of materialists who work as astronomers. CONTINUE READING
Solar System Moon Losing Its Water April 24, 2019 The moon loses more water than it receives from the solar wind or meteorites. How long has that been going on? CONTINUE READING
Dating Methods Counting Craters: Bad Assumptions Undermine Reliability January 29, 2019 A new chronology of Earth/moon history reaches conclusions that are so assumption-ridden as to be worthless. CONTINUE READING
Solar System Moon Bombarded by Crashing Theories January 10, 2017 Strange things happen on our nearest neighbor. Stranger things happen in the heads of theorists trying to figure out our nearest neighbor. CONTINUE READING
Dating Methods Moon Just Got 100-fold Younger October 12, 2016 New study of craters shows that moon's surface gets churned every 81,000 years, not every million years. CONTINUE READING
Solar System Faint Young Sun Paradox Solved? July 1, 2016 A major mystery for materialistic planetary science is solved—if you can swallow the miracles required. CONTINUE READING
Astronomy Astrobiology Hopes Diminish December 6, 2014 Recent findings both near and far create challenges for beliefs that life is common in the universe. CONTINUE READING