Insect Olympic Feats Astonish Biologists

Butterflies cross the Atlantic, and tiny gnats fly over the Pyrenees.

Archive 2002: RNA, Vaporware, Mendel, and more

What has changed since May 2002? What remains the same?

Archive: DNA, Insects, Human Body, Fossils

These stories from March 2003 are useful for comparing what science was saying 21 years ago with discoveries since then.

Darwinism, an Excuse for Lazy Thinking

Just say it evolved because of selective pressure, and your work is done.

Darwin’s Airplane Made Itself

Article on insect flight ignores requirements and grants superpowers to evolution.

Darwinians Leap Over Flight Origins

It's one giant leap for Darwinkind: how to explain the origin of powered flight without engineering.

Bee Surprised

Insects influence the climate like thunderstorms? What else will scientists discover—or claim to discover?

Information Sharing Is Not Evolution

Scientists are finding that organisms can use libraries of functional information obtained from one another.

Dragonfly Cat Trick Explained

An upside down dragonfly can right itself faster than the blink of an eye.

Insect Wings: How Darwinists Fly Off Course

Asking the wrong questions can lead a scientist nowhere. A recent example is trying to explain insect wings.

Extreme Convergences Strain Credibility

The things one has to believe to maintain Darwinism should give reasonable people fits.

Spider Webs Are Big Ears

A spider web is not just a trap for prey. It's also a giant acoustic sensory antenna.

How Did Dragonflies Come By an Intercept Capability?

Dragonflies can track a prey, anticipate its future path, fly to a rendezvous point on that path and intercept it.

The Magical World of Darwin

Darwin bequeathed to humanity a world of miracles that happen constantly. How did he know? Things exist; therefore they evolved.

Fly Specialties Amaze Scientists

The humble housefly deserves some respect for its engineering design.
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