All Science Is Political Science

Unless independently wealthy, scientists work at the behest of government funding agencies.

Institutional Distrust on the Rise Due to Overt Political Bias

As with other institutions, people are getting wise to the biases of Big Science.

Mad Scientists Threaten Humanity

Attempts to rein in scientist ambitions are too little, too late.

Darwinian Materialism Is Destroying Science

The rejection of Biblical morality has consequences in due time.

Purify Science by Kicking Darwin Out

Science writers would do well to apply a Darwin Filter before putting pen to paper.

AAAS Chief Wants to Evolve Integrity

His physical sensors detect a problem, but where will he find the solution?

Rethink Science

If scientists knew as much as they think they do, they wouldn't be rethinking so many things so often.

Social Scientists Ashamed but Still Ask for Trust

One of the largest ever studies of predictions by social scientists shows an embarrassing failure rate.

Big Science Cred Collapsing

Beware, believers in the scientific method: science cannot exceed the honesty of its practitioners.

Rogue Scientists Play Russian Roulette with Humanity

"What were they thinking?" says a leading biologist about another gain-of-function experiment on coronaviruses.

Should Big Science Blame the Public for Mistrust?

Look at what Big Science is doing. Then ask if the public is right to be wary of their claims.

Big Science Worried About Fraud, But Why?

Deceit is built into the fabric of Darwinism. Evolution is about getting a fitness advantage, whatever it takes.

A Pox Afflicts Big Science

Ever since Big Science hooked up with politics, it has displayed ugly sores and scabs.

Peer Review Fails to Catch a Liar

Another scientist caught lying., and how it illustrates the shortcomings of peer review.

Character Flaws Give Big Science Woes

The days when science journals could be trusted have become clouded. Maybe the sun never shined anyway.
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