Darwin and Evolution Calling It Evolution When It’s Not April 29, 2024 Evolutionists' favorite word gets dragged into situations that don't involve speciation. CONTINUE READING
Mammals Smart Elephants Solve Puzzles With Their Trunks October 12, 2023 Here are more reasons to love and respect pachyderms. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution How to Write Imperfect Nonsense Using Evolution: Cheat May 19, 2023 Evolutionary theory, with its Stuff Happens Law, makes nonsense more probable than sense. CONTINUE READING
Early Man Cave Paintings May Contain Codes April 6, 2023 The Foresight of Our Paleolithic Ancestors: Ancient Cave Paintings Suggest Messaging CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science Is Science Returning to Mysticism? April 3, 2023 Mysticism can take many forms. It can be god-of-the-gaps, or it can be refusal to consider the possibility of a immaterial causes. CONTINUE READING
Mind and Brain We’re Safe from an A.I. Takeover February 14, 2023 Don’t worry. AI is a very long way from replacing humans. It cannot yet do even simple rocket-science projections. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science On the Origin of Speciesism, Part 2 February 3, 2023 Policies against "speciesism" would effectively end civilization as we know it. Citizens must be informed about this new "ism" from secular science. CONTINUE READING
SETI The Pseudoscience of Psychoanalyzing Aliens December 19, 2022 One cannot determine the motives of beings that are completely unknown. CONTINUE READING
Media Science Condemns Co-Inventor of the Transistor November 25, 2022 Another racist called out for his racism yet Charles Darwin, one of the most influential racists in history, gets a pass. CONTINUE READING
Mind and Brain Darwinian Morality as an Oxymoron June 13, 2022 Naturalistic Darwinism does not possess the causative tools to account for observable moral judgments humans make. CONTINUE READING
Cell Biology Paid Liars: Origin of Life Researchers June 6, 2020 What else do you call pseudo-scientists who know what they try to do is impossible, but tell the public they're getting warmer? CONTINUE READING
Mind and Brain The Origin of Human Consciousness Stymies Darwinists April 28, 2020 A chasm exists between our claimed closest primate relatives and mankind dating as far back as our physical evidence will take us. CONTINUE READING
Human Body Is Speech Far Older than Once Thought? December 27, 2019 Dr Jerry Bergman assesses evolutionary attempts to answer "the hardest problem in science" – the origin of speech. CONTINUE READING
Early Man Asian Languages Approach Biblical Timeline April 28, 2019 Origin of the Sino-Tibetan language family about 5,900 years ago? Yeah, that's about right, within error. CONTINUE READING
Early Man More Penitence Needed Toward Our Neanderthal Brethren March 7, 2019 Evolutionists acknowledge changing views toward Neanderthals, but they fall short of apology for fake science. CONTINUE READING