Dave Scott and Jim Irwin in "Hadley Rille" by Alan Bean

Moon and Mars Puzzle Geologists

"Young" features have no clear explanation, leaving scientists baffled.

Deep Time Requires Biased Explanations

In two recent cases, belief in deep time shuts the door to possible solutions to puzzling observations.

Can Transgender Views Be Defended from Genesis?

If one's interpretation of Genesis leads to the idea that males can get pregnant, something has gone very wrong in hermeneutics.

Monkey Business with Tools, Bones, and Brains

Darwinians can be so intent on evolving men from ape ancestors, they can make monkeys of themselves.

Sponging on Fossils for Evolution

They're not sponges. They're just minerals. They didn't evolve. They don't help Darwin.

Rings Around Climate Theories

Tree ring data should provide accurate checks on climate models, right? It's complicated.

Science News Reporters Act Like Echo Bots

Where are the bold reporters who investigate quack claims? They're gone. They all quack together like rubber ducks.

Crucial Geological Proxy May Be Misinterpreted

Many inferences about past climate and evolution depend on a measurement with dubious interpretations.

Interpretation Must Not Outrun Evidence

Here's a funny story about scientific interpretation of evidence.

Scientific Data Does Not Interpret Itself

Here's a funny story about why data must always be interpreted by humans, who are often fallible.

New Waterfall Theory Affects Interpretations of Climate, Tectonics

How do waterfalls form? Geologists tested them in the lab, and found that some of them can make themselves.

Detrital Zircons Can Give False Geological Ages

Zircons are a gold standard for dating. They can yield ages that are statistically significant, but geologically meaningless.

Darwinists Use Fossils as Props for Propaganda

With one-party rule in any institution, everything supports the party line. Open debate would be healthy for paleontology.

Hard Science Has a Firm Grip on Unreality

Anybody who thinks the hard sciences give us confidence in the real world should read this.

Fossils Can Mislead Big Time

Claims about fossil patterns rely on methods and assumptions that have been proven wrong.
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