Archive: Gates of the Cell, and More ID Evidence

These articles from March 2002 were interesting then and still are now.

Archive: Titan’s Young Atmosphere, More

These articles from January 2002 still hold interest for us all.

Extreme Fine Tuning in Body Cells, Part I

Here are just two examples of an ultra-fine balance between function and disease inside the cells of our body's sensory cells (Part 1 of 2).

Finding More Gifts in the Cellular Stocking

Improving techniques are allowing biochemists to find surprising new things in cells. Here are some recent examples.

Reasons for Thanksgiving in Your Body Cells

Here are things you probably didn't know about your body. Now that you know, you'll have more reasons to be thankful tomorrow.

Microbes Are Wired for Communication

New findings show surprising communication systems between bacteria, including power grids with tiny electrical cables.

Pain: Evolution or Curse?

It doesn't take much "evolution" to create a toxin, or to switch on or amplify the pain response. Are these good things gone bad?

Shocking Facts About Electric Life

Talk about power plants: did you know plants use electricity? Some fish, also, can navigate or stun their prey using electrical organs.
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