Volcanoes Feed the Planet with Nutrients

A powerful volcano last January was followed by a phytoplankton bloom. What's the connection?

Earth Factories, Not Exploding Stars, May Form Elements

What textbooks have taught for decades may not be completely true.

Re-imagining Food

Would you eat these things? Gross but nutritious, some health scientists say we should.

Our Moon Refuses to Obey Scientists

The neat theories for the origin of the moon and its subsequent evolution unravel when you try to stuff long ages into a young body.

Where Did Earth’s Water Come From?

Water is just one big problem facing secular scientists who feel a need to explain everything without design.

What Is It About Space Aliens that Makes Evolutionists Go Nuts?

Week after week, month after month, year after year, evolutionists speculate about imaginary friends they have never seen.

Misreading Soft Tissue

When organic remains are found in fossils said to be hundreds of millions of years old, what questions should be asked?

What Your Body Needs

Most of us know some basic things our bodies need, but it's unlikely many people have heard of some of these requirements.

Origin-of-Life Speculation Is Out of ContrOOL

OOL is short for Origin of Life. There's only one theory that works. The rest are so improbable, their supporters go to ridiculous lengths to believe them.
Earthrise 2015 LRO

Water Theories Evaporate

After decades of telling the public comets brought Earth's water, scientists are giving up on the idea. It was volcanoes, now they say.

Searching for Life for Personal Glory

Are origin-of-life seekers really trying to understand life, or are they seeking fame and prizes?

Earth Magnetic Field Plays Music

Like a finely-tuned instrument, the earth's magnetic field creates standing-wave vibrations as it protects life.

Mars Madness Hits

The Curiosity rover is sending back photos of things mission scientists are struggling to understand.

Radiation, Mistakes, and Assumptions

Three news items about atomic radiation should cause us to beware of academic overstatement.

Amino Acids Unlikely to Survive on Mars

UV radiation quickly degrades amino acids on most Martian minerals, a new study shows.
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