Archive: Your Model Train Set

Model trains in your cells? Yes: read about this and other wonders from 21 years ago. Note: Some embedded links may no longer work. Your Model Train Set   02/25/2003 Model train enthusiasts never had it so good. Imagine five different models of finely-crafted engines, all in perfect working order, and enough track to cover a […]

Shelled Eggs Crack Evolution

Explaining shelled eggs by natural selection is a major problem.

How DNA Is Packaged in Sperm Cells

No Evidence Exists for Sperm Evolution: More Complex than Assume Just a Few Months ago

More Details on Sperm Design Published

Yet more experimental research documents intelligent design of sperm cells.

See Intelligent Design in a Heartbeat

A heart starts beating in a coordinated flash like a marching band begins.

Archive Classic: 2003 News on Cells

Here are two CEH articles from 20 years ago—worth reading—that were lost during the website upgrade.

Cell Organelles that Defy Evolution: The Lysosome

New research proves that the lysosome system is much more complex than previously believed.

Trilobite Ocelli Found; Like Compound Eyes, They Popped Into Existence

The so-called median eyes of many arthropods were thought to be missing in trilobites, but have now been discovered.

What Are Introns For?

The origin of introns is a mystery to evolutionists. They apply magic, calling it an "evolutionary burst."

Body Was Created for Healing Itself

New discoveries point out automatic mechanisms for repair and health. Could disease result from failure of these processes?

Life is Designed to Prevent Evolution

Another system has been discovered that corrects the very mutations that Darwinism depends on for novelty.

How Darwinists Cheat by Assumption and Repetition

Repeating the same assumption over and over has an effect on students. It says, "Do not believe your lying eyes!"

How Did Dragonflies Come By an Intercept Capability?

Dragonflies can track a prey, anticipate its future path, fly to a rendezvous point on that path and intercept it.

Trap-Jaw Ants Pose Trick Question

Research into varieties of trap-jaw ants leads to philosophical questions about mechanisms of evolution vs design.

Flagellar Motor Is Actually Many Motors

A new model of the bacterial flagellum, an icon of intelligent design, has just increased the design complexity even more.
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