Fossils Too Perfect for Deep Time

Evolutionists never question the vast ages for fossils that are exquisitely preserved.

Cambrian Fossil Misidentified

Fossils do not interpret themselves. It takes fallible humans.

Darwin-Free Science Is Possible

Scientists can just report the evidence without evolutionary stories. Here's a good example and a bad example.
Amazing Facts

You’ll Never Guess the Most Efficient Animal Swimmer

This beautiful and informative video announcing the winner was released this month by Illustra Media.

Delicate Acrobats: Butterflies and Jellyfish Use Physics to Perfection

Two animals probably not envisioned as champion movers can teach human designers a thing or two.

Re-imagining Food

Would you eat these things? Gross but nutritious, some health scientists say we should.

Soft Tissue in Biggest Ever Cambrian Fossil Bonanza

Chinese scientists are uncovering shale with the best-preserved Cambrian animals ever found.

No, These Findings Do Not Support Evolution

Evolutionary biologists keep giving Darwin credit for discoveries that actually militate against his theory.

The Best Science Follows Design

Sir Francis Bacon emphasized that you will know good science by its fruits. Here are good examples of fruitful research that took inspiration from nature's designs.

“It Evolved” Is Not an Explanation

A Darwinian can stare at evidence for intelligent design all day and conclude, without batting an eye, "evolution did it." Look at these examples.

Unusual Fossils Twisted to Support Darwinism

A fossil is a standalone reality. Darwinism is a story that force-fits these standalone realities into a predetermined narrative. Watch how it is done.

Well-Adapted Underwater Animals that Defy Evolution

A wide variety of organisms spend all or part of their time under the surface of water, having just the equipment they need to thrive.

Darwinism as a Post-Observation What-If Game

The silly evolutionary spin put on observations of the natural world do not contribute to science; they cheapen it.

The Fossils that Didn’t Evolve

Here's an assortment of newly-discovered fossils that challenge Darwinian evolution.

Earth Magnetic Field Plays Music

Like a finely-tuned instrument, the earth's magnetic field creates standing-wave vibrations as it protects life.
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