The Flying Giraffe and Other Fossil Stories of Extinct Reptiles

Imagine a giraffe leaping into the air and flying off. That's what this giant pterosaur was like. Other interpretations about extinct reptiles are not so certain.

The Birds that Didn’t Evolve

Birds live and birds die, but they have a hard time following Darwin's dictum to evolve or perish.

Dinosaur Extinction Rewritten Again

Who will go back and fix the animations?

Do Evolutionists Have Extinctions Figured Out?

Stories of periodic mass extinctions millions of years ago sound like factual accounts, till you look at the details and ask some simple questions.

Was Coelacanth a Lungfish?

Instead of showing remorse over a Lazarus taxon, evolutionists invoke another besetting sin: vestigial organs.

Dinosaur Extinction Was Global

Whatever killed the dinosaurs took place quickly in both North America and Europe simultaneously.

Dinosaurs and the Battle of Killers

An impact drove the dinosaurs extinct; or was it volcanoes?

How Well Do Evolutionists Understand Extinctions?

Earth history is littered with five mass extinctions, evolutionists claim. How solid is their evidence?

Discovering Mammals, Dead and Alive

Two mammal discoveries made the news this week: a cuddly one and a fossil. Do they tell evolutionary tales?

Evaluating the Chicxulub Impact Dinosaur Extinction Hypothesis

Science Magazine claimed the Mexican crater named Chicxulub is the smoking gun of the dinosaurs' demise, and the media fell in line. Are there reasons to doubt the story?

Man Blamed for Living Fossil Extinction Threat

The chambered nautilus is on the decline, after 500 million years of survival from the world's greatest extinction events. Guess who's to blame.

Paradigm Shift: Impact Didn't Kill Dinosaurs

A new study casts doubt on whether asteroid impacts led to extinctions. It's based on re-interpreting geological evidence used to identify impacts. This finding, if sustained, would undermine the theory that an impact killed off the dinosaurs and a later impact led to the extinction of many large mammals. Even more significant, an overturn of the impact hypothesis would illustrate that scientists are capable of going off on wrong tangents for decades.

Fossil Finds Feed Facile Fables

Remarkable fossils continue to come to science’s attention, yielding clues about past ecological conditions. Once in awhile, whole fossil specimens – even graveyards of many organisms – are uncovered, but most fossils are mere fragments. Placing fossils into interpretive stories requires knowledge of other fossils and comparisons with living species. Even then, the history of life is not directly observable. Fossils, being silent, can only show their current state; the lack of access to the past, combined with ignorance of all the clues, leaves room for alternative interpretations. Evolutionists, in their desire to fit fossils into a preconceived story, sometimes go far beyond what the actual fossil evidence is capable of saying – and some of their explanations border on the miraculous.
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