More Ignorance About Bird Flight Admitted

Fifty years of speculation has offered no solution to how birds fly.

Darwinian Storytelling Dumbs Down Media

How silly does an evolutionary story have to get before reporters revolt?

Darwinians Leap Over Flight Origins

It's one giant leap for Darwinkind: how to explain the origin of powered flight without engineering.

Be-WAIR of Clawed Birds

Evolutionists have not come up with a better theory for bird flight than a silly hypothesis concocted 16 years ago.

Flight: If You Can’t Evolve It, Model Your Imagination

This is silly. A robot model with outstretched arms cannot begin to say how dinosaurs took wing.

Darwinists Imagine Feathered Crocodiles

Fuzz has been found on a pterosaur. That's not news. But split ends on some fibers are electrifying the evolutionary imagination.

Living Birds Recapitulate Their Hopping Dino Ancestors

Can a hopping parrot tell you what life used to be like as a dinosaur?

Bird Flight Story Falsified

A simplistic story about bird flight influenced a generation of evolution students, but it was wrong.

Birds Go Splat on Evolutionary Theories

A flock of surprising traits of birds has dropped a load on simplistic notions of evolution.

Darwinism Is a Constant; Just-So Stories Are Variables

Stories about the evolution of particular organisms often replace older stories, but the main plot is unalterable.

Archive Classic: How Darwinism Produces Job Security

This entry from 12/22/2003 we have referenced often, because it illustrates how Darwin changed science into storytelling.

What Is the Evidence for Feathers Before Flight?

Birds evolved from dinosaurs; that's the evolutionary consensus. Let's examine the evidence for that scenario.

Evolution of Flight: A Story Looking for Evidence

An evolutionary dogma is that land dinosaurs evolved into flying birds. When the claims are acid-washed with critical analysis, what evidence remains?

Fossil Finds Feed Facile Fables

Remarkable fossils continue to come to science’s attention, yielding clues about past ecological conditions. Once in awhile, whole fossil specimens – even graveyards of many organisms – are uncovered, but most fossils are mere fragments. Placing fossils into interpretive stories requires knowledge of other fossils and comparisons with living species. Even then, the history of life is not directly observable. Fossils, being silent, can only show their current state; the lack of access to the past, combined with ignorance of all the clues, leaves room for alternative interpretations. Evolutionists, in their desire to fit fossils into a preconceived story, sometimes go far beyond what the actual fossil evidence is capable of saying – and some of their explanations border on the miraculous.

Flap Over Flight Evolution

Birds flap their wings when they run up ramps. It takes less energy than flying. This is uncontroversial; it is observable, and science can measure the energy cost. But for at least eight years now, Ken Dial at the University of Montana has been claiming that this behavior explains the origin of flight in birds (01/16/2003, 12/22/2003). When he first came out with this hypothesis in 2003, Elisabeth Pennisi in the journal Science said, “I imagine people will continue to argue about the origin of bird flight for a long time.” There’s been very little argument in the media over the years, though (05/01/2006, 9/22/2007, 1/25/2008); in fact, the BBC News just gave another plug for Dial’s hypothesis with no criticism at all.
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