RNA World Suffers a Backhand Blow

NASA hoped to find a chiral bias that favors left-handed amino acids. They lost.

Homochirality: Computers Are Not the Real World

Homochirality: Computers Are Not the Real World

Origin of Life for Dummies

Readers can decide if these news stories on the origin of life represent smart science or not.

More Attempts to Explain Chirality

Despite the hype in some reports, the highly-designed experiments only underscore the problem for origin of life theories.

Left-Handed Life: Is the Chirality Problem Near Solution?

Cells use only left-handed amino acids and right-handed sugars. A new hypothesis involving the weak nuclear force tries to address this asymmetry.

Latest Attempt to Explain Homochirality Underscores the Problem

Finding that some stars emit circularly polarized light will not help explain why life uses only left-handed amino acids.

New Chirality Solution Proposed

It's long been a mystery why cells use one hand of two-handed molecules, like left-handed amino acids and right-handed sugars. A new proposal solves the mystery, explaining how this phenomenon called homochirality arises naturally. Wait a minute...
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