Leftism Manipulates Science Language

Leftist academia pretends to be pro-science, but the politics drives their positions.

Convergent Evolution: Darwinism, Leftism, and Sorcery

You can tell a lot about a movement by the company it keeps.

Liberal Journal and Media Disparage Conservatives, but Censor Falsification

A widely-cited paper disparaging conservatives was falsified, but the journal refused to admit it or publish a retraction.

The Left’s Anti-Science Agenda on Sex

One would think re-affirming women would gain a leader praise. In this instance, the leader is vilified.

Political Bias in Science Media, cont.

This entry continues listed examples of political bias in science, academia and secular media.

Science Media Still Overwhelmingly Leftist

Try to find a conservative point of view in the following secular news stories. We found one in the long list.

To Improve Credibility, Science Must Get Out of Politics

Big Science journals need to either balance their coverage of political issues or drop them altogether to avoid losing half their audience.

Abusing Science: Leftists Push PC Agendas with Scientism

Nothing in science says women should abort their babies or humans should deny their genes. But if it's PC, media will use fake science to promote it.

A Look at College Indoctrination into Darwinism

A glimpse at how Darwinian professors intimidate, demean and punish students for their religious beliefs, exemplified by a rabid evolutionary professor at Ohio State.

Big Science Leftist Bias Is on Autopilot

Science journals and mainstream science reporters take leftism for granted so instinctively, they aren't even aware they do it.

Secularists Treat Abortion Like a Religious Ritual

How can Big Science and the secular materialists who bow before their science altar be so in love with death? It makes no sense.

Social Media Becomes the New Big Brother

Governments were to be feared before 1984, and still are, but these days giant corporations are watching you. Conservative and libertarian members of Congress were seriously disappointed to see the vote go forward on the FISA Act renewal in its current form (WND), without their amendment offering protections from surveillance on innocent citizens. The law […]

Big Science Has Prostituted Its Core Mission

While individual scientists do pristine work, the major institutions of science and media have become propaganda arms for leftist causes.

Scientists Discover Liberty Works

The incontrovertible leftist bent in academia once in awhile runs against facts of human nature. Studies show individual liberty is often better than government or globalist control.

Leftist Takeover of Science Continues

Nothing in science requires a scientific institution to take the liberal position on everything. Quite the opposite: science relies on traditional values.
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