Politics and Ethics AAAS Tries to Influence Elections July 9, 2024 Farewell to unbiased science. The AAAS goes political. You know what that means. CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics Big Science Embraces Disinformation March 10, 2023 If it's for the common good, lying and manipulating the public is justified, say leftist totalitarians in academia. CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics Why Evolutionists Are Obsessed with Abortion February 27, 2023 Simple answer: they're materialists and leftists who hate God. That's obvious in the completely one-sided articles they write. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science Wokeism Will Destroy Science December 8, 2021 Science could die by D.I.E. – Diversity, Inclusion and Equity. Even Darwinians worry about redefinitions of these wholesome words. CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics Far Left Controls Big Science, Big Media February 20, 2021 Observers of the creation-evolution issue need to realize how far left the Darwinists are about everything else. CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics Op-Ed: Geneticist Exposes the Party of Sexual Anarchy September 20, 2020 Following up on his essay "Choosing Sides," geneticist John Sanford names the party most responsible for "anything goes" sexuality. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science Fallen, Fallen Is Big Science the Great (cont.) August 30, 2020 Here are more angles from which to view the downfall of Big Science and its accomplice, Big Media. CONTINUE READING
Media Biased Reporters Cloud Scientific Credibility August 4, 2020 How many lies does a person have to say to lose credibility? How many times does he have to be wrong before you stop listening? CONTINUE READING
Media Big Science: Lean to the Left July 13, 2020 How does Big Science support the socialist cultural revolution going on in major cities? Let us count the ways. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science Big Science Is Losing Even More Credibility July 9, 2020 Give up on the old-fashioned notion of influence-free, reliable science. This is 2020. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Evolutionist Admits Darwin’s Connection to Racism February 26, 2020 Although often ignored, some science organizations that embrace evolution acknowledge the close causative connection between Darwinism and racism. CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics Leftists Use Science as Camouflage January 25, 2020 Leftists have learned that the 'science costume' is their most effective means of propaganda. CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics Leftism Manipulates Science Language January 11, 2020 Leftist academia pretends to be pro-science, but the politics drives their positions. CONTINUE READING
Media Liberal Journal and Media Disparage Conservatives, but Censor Falsification June 28, 2019 A widely-cited paper disparaging conservatives was falsified, but the journal refused to admit it or publish a retraction. CONTINUE READING
Media Big Changes in Science Publishing Underway February 28, 2019 People are so used to peer-reviewed scientific journals behind paywalls, it's hard to think of any other way. Till now. CONTINUE READING