Big Science Is a Subsidiary of Socialists and Global Leftists

When 95% of staff university staff are leftists, what do you expect of their research?

Big Science Is Losing Even More Credibility

Give up on the old-fashioned notion of influence-free, reliable science. This is 2020.

Big Science Has Become a Political Machine

Many individual scientists honestly pursue truth, but the institutions of science (universities, media and lobbyists) push a unilateral anti-conservative, progressive agenda.

Social Media Becomes the New Big Brother

Governments were to be feared before 1984, and still are, but these days giant corporations are watching you. Conservative and libertarian members of Congress were seriously disappointed to see the vote go forward on the FISA Act renewal in its current form (WND), without their amendment offering protections from surveillance on innocent citizens. The law […]

Big Science Fights Christian Values

Secular scientists have more than just Darwinism to offer as an alternative to creation. They have political clout to fight traditional values with anti-Christian political and educational positions.

A Media Bias Sampler

Support for conservatism in secular science media is as rare as a true transitional form in the fossil record.

Scientism Invades Politics, Morality, Religion

What some consider science is really scientism, a worldview that thinks everything in human experience is reducible to scientific laws.

Scientists as Sex Counselors

To what extent should scientists presume to offer advice about sexual matters?

If Brain Determines Politics, It Also Determines Science

Recognizing a self-refuting position is a shortcut through the paralysis of scientific analysis.

Scientific Findings Can Be Counterintuitive

Here are examples of recent claims in science that seem to contradict what some would consider intuitively obvious. They should be kept in mind when evaluating other scientific truisms, like evolution.

Rare Anti-Leftist Editorial Posted on Science Site

Finding an article on a secular science site that criticizes the left and defends the right is so rare, it was news.

Scientific Institutions Engage in Leftist Advocacy

For an enterprise supposedly as unpolitical and bias-free as science classically is supposed to be, conservatism is surprisingly rare.

Science Supports Traditional Values

It is well known that liberals outnumber conservatives in academia, but sometimes, scientific studies support traditional values, not leftist ideology. Imagine the surprise of some of these researchers who went looking and found that conservative Christian family organizations have evidence to support their views.
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