Wonders Under the Sea

Big animals both living and extinct showcase exquisite detail in bulk.

Ginkgo ‘Living Fossil’ Trees Defy Evolution

"200 million-year-old" ginkgo tree leaves showcased but their fossils often preserve original plant material.

Platypus Origins: The Mystery Deepens

A review of the article, “The platypus: What nature’s weirdest mammal says about our origins.”

Living ‘Dinosaur Kin’ Has Genes that Defy Evolution

It lived with its fellow reptiles, the dinosaurs. And it stalks the earth today. What do its genes show?

Living Fossil Giant Bee Challenges Evolution

Describing insects fossilized in amber is a matter of observable fact. Describing how they "evolved" is storytelling.

Another Living Fossil Challenges Darwinian Explanations

The excuses that Darwinists make up for evidence against their theory need to be exposed and shamed.

Negative Selection Is Not What Darwin Wanted

Darwin wanted to explain humans from bacteria. He can't get there by just protecting what bacteria already had.

The Darwin Fail Comedy Show

Darwinian evolution is supposed to innovate new things, not remove them or conserve them. Here are the latest examples of "Darwin Fail" embarrassments.

Animals that Defy Long Ages

A lizard and an elephant join forces to question evolutionary dates.

Organisms Refusing to Evolve Over Millions of Years

Several more cases of "extreme stasis" have turned up, calling into question Darwin's notion of constant, gradual change over millions of years.

That Doesn't Look Like Evolution

Here are more findings, categorized under "evolution," that might turn heads and make one say, "Huh?"

Was Coelacanth a Lungfish?

Instead of showing remorse over a Lazarus taxon, evolutionists invoke another besetting sin: vestigial organs.

Crinoid Pigment: 240 Million Years and No Evolution

Pigments from crinoids fossilized in early Mesozoic strata are identical to modern counterparts.

These "Evolutionary" Fossils Don't Help Evolutionary Theory

Anti-evolutionary implications can stare paleontologists in the face, yet they still invoke evolutionary theory.

How Explanatory Is Evolutionary Theory?

Darwinians make big boasts about their theory as the central organizing principle in biology, but what does it actually explain?
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