Darwinism Degrades Logic

Materialists like to accuse "people of faith" of pseudoscience. Well, look again.

Evolutionists Try to Explain Away Living Fossils

You can't play word games to deny extreme stasis. You can't say living fossils really are evolving.

Twisting Evidence Against Evolution Into Evidence For Evolution

Freed from serious critique by non-Darwinists, evolutionists can twist any data into support for their Darwinist ideology.

Mutations Battle Living Fossils

Attempts to harmonize living fossil research with mutation research fail.

Archive: Tuatara, Eyes, Cells, Self-Organization, Astrobiology

More lost stories from the end of March 2002 are republished here. Topics: the tuatara, eyes, self-organization, cells, architecture.

Living Fossils Cannot Be Old

The living fossil myth: are they really 66 million years old?

Two-Timers in the Darwin Party

Evolutionary rates vary by seven orders of magnitude. What kind of theory is that?

How Darwinism Morphs to Censor Critics

Censorship of creation still occurs in the media, but when the implications of a fossil slip past the censors, the Darwinists can always maintain their belief by rewriting the textbooks.

How to Darwinize Living Fossils

How far can one stretch a theory to fit anomalies? At some point it becomes ridiculous.

Living Fossils Disprove Evolution

A theory that uses the same process to explain both stasis and change is not a theory worth defending.

Echinoderm Graveyard Found

Thousands of sea stars, feather stars, brittle stars, sea urchins and more found exceptionally preserved in catastrophic burial.

A Failed Attempt to Refute Living Fossils: The Case of Coelacanth

Dr Bergman describes how a major concept was dismissed based on appallingly flimsy evidence.

Living Fossils: The Horseshoe Crab Story

Living fossils pose significant challenges to Darwinian theory, even with genomes available. The horseshoe crab is a prime example.

‘Impossible’ Hybrid Suggests Non-Darwinian Change

Animals may be more capable of sharing genetic information than coming up with it de novo.

Another Living Fossil Challenges Darwinian Explanations

The excuses that Darwinists make up for evidence against their theory need to be exposed and shamed.
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