Cell Biology How DNA Is Packaged in Sperm Cells November 28, 2023 No Evidence Exists for Sperm Evolution: More Complex than Assume Just a Few Months ago CONTINUE READING
Mind and Brain Can Transgender Views Be Defended from Genesis? May 25, 2023 If one's interpretation of Genesis leads to the idea that males can get pregnant, something has gone very wrong in hermeneutics. CONTINUE READING
Genetics Junk DNA Concept Is Mostly Dead October 20, 2021 Has the term “junk DNA” finally been buried for good? It's been decreasing, from 98.5 % originally to close to 0 percent now. CONTINUE READING
Early Man Neanderthal Y Chromosome Looks Modern October 9, 2020 Another theory bites the dust: The "Disappearing Y Chromosome" has not shrunk, as shown by comparisons with Neanderthal DNA. CONTINUE READING
Genetics Scientists Treat Biological Sex as Binary September 18, 2020 Politically-correct influencers cannot deny the obvious forever. Scientists have to deal with reality every day. CONTINUE READING
Genetics Is the Y Chromosome Disappearing? Update September 4, 2020 The male of the species is not disappearing, despite fear-mongering claims that the Y chromosome is shriveling up. CONTINUE READING
Bible and Theology Be Happier Conforming to the Creator’s Plan August 23, 2020 Is it any surprise that people who choose lifestyles other than those God designed for them become miserable? CONTINUE READING
Human Body Males and Females Are Real. All Others Are Fake. July 18, 2020 Science knows nothing of make-believe genders based on how people feel. Researchers only speak of males and females. CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics Transgenderism vs Science June 24, 2020 Scientists routinely speak of people as male or female. They only change the habit when political pressure makes them cave. CONTINUE READING
Human Body Scientists Affirm Gender Is Binary March 11, 2020 Despite all the talk of gender fluidity and toxic masculinity, reality affirms what we all know. CONTINUE READING
Early Man On the Origin of Lechery by Natural Selection December 21, 2019 Women, are you listening? Darwinists justify unleashing unrestricted male passions on you with no responsibility. CONTINUE READING
Mind and Brain Gender Dysphoria Is Not Biological December 7, 2019 A new analysis of gender dysphoria finds causation in brain networks, not genetics or brain biology. CONTINUE READING
Mind and Brain Gender Dysphoria and Darwinism April 5, 2019 Dr Jerry Bergman discusses the historical view of sexuality and gender with modern trends. CONTINUE READING
Human Body More Science Behind Gender Differences March 3, 2019 Male-female differences are a matter of science fact, not political ideology. CONTINUE READING
Human Body Gender PC Tugs at Scientific Objectivity February 5, 2019 Hot news! Men and women are different! Watch PC-influenced psychologists commit logical fallacies denying the obvious. CONTINUE READING