Warm-Bloodedness Not Explained by Evolution

How can you determine when something evolved if you have no evidence that it evolved?

Any Evolution for Platypus Yet?

It's been a long time since scientists have tried to Darwinize the platypus. Any progress?

The Dingo Enigma

Biologists acknowledge that the ancestry of dingoes is a big problem for evolution.

Ice Age Bear Found Intact in Melting Permafrost

They say this bear, with soft tissue, organs, soft nose and all, died almost 40,000 years ago. Is that credible?

Unique Fossils Defy Evolution

When fossils are found of one-off creatures without apparent relatives, how could Darwinism explain that?

Brain Thoughts

Here are recent findings about brains that are big and small, squishy and tough, but all amazing.

Long Necks Without Evolution

What do giraffes and sauropods have in common? A new paper shows how you can seek answers without Darwin's help.

Bipedal Ape Fossil Falls on Its Face

The latest ape fossil could be a mixture of species. In any case, it falls far short of the requirements for upright walking.

Fossils Do Not Say “We Evolved” – People Do

Scientists put words in the mouths of dead animals, as if they are dummies telling stories about their evolution.

DIDO from the DODO Crowd: BAD Actors Confibulating with Evillusion Fogma

Darwin-only "science" leads to absurdities that only outsiders can perceive.

Otter Not Call This a Walking Whale

A skeleton of an extinct creature was found on the coast of Peru. Evolutionists are all calling it a walking whale.

Two More Soft-Tissue Fossils Pile on the Evidence Against Deep Time

Evolutionists are dodging hard evidence with an absurd excuse that soft tissue can last hundreds of millions of years.

Synapsids Went Extinct, but Did They Evolve?

Evolutionists call them "mammal-like reptiles," but a very large fossil synapsid upsets evolutionary ideas.

Upsets Surprise Evolutionists

These announcements show that fossils have ways of contradicting evolutionary expectations.

Marvelous un-Darwinian Mammals

Some familiar and unfamiliar mammals share their secrets of extreme adaptation and survival.
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