Wonders Under the Sea

Big animals both living and extinct showcase exquisite detail in bulk.

Sea Cucumbers Save Corals

The "Roombas of the Sea" help create a clean habitat for coral reefs and their customers.

Dolphins Celebrated in Illustra Short Film

One of the fascinating segments from Illustra's documentary Living Waters, "Dolphins!" delights the senses in a short re-release.

Skull Duggery in Whale Evolution

—or Skull Dodgery: Evolutionists dodge a heady issue, thinking a skull will evolve a brain complete with new skills.

Giants Are Hard to Evolve

Extreme convergence leaves evolutionary paleontologists scrambling for just-so stories to fool the public.

Fossils Don’t Speak; Evolutionists Do

Evolutionists find errors in evolutionary tree calculations. They conclude that many evolutionists are forcing their assumptions on the fossils.

Life Exceeds Expectations: Aquatic Creatures

Here are some amazing underwater organisms that go beyond the call of survival duty.

Darwinism Produces Irrational Hate

Darwinism should be opposed simply on the grounds of what it does to people's sensibilities and manners.

The Best Science Follows the Designs in Nature

The most fruitful kind of research seeks to understand nature's workings, and when appropriate, imitate it.
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