Darwinism Degrades Logic

Materialists like to accuse "people of faith" of pseudoscience. Well, look again.

Evolutionary Psychology Refutes Itself

Why intelligent PhD psychologists cannot see this implicates Darwinism as a logic-destroying mind virus.

How to Be a Sapiens, Not Just a Homo

Darwinism cheapens human life, making us pawns of impersonal, uncaring forces.

Early Mature Galaxy Record Surpassed Again

The James Webb Space Telescope keeps finding large galaxies earlier than theory permits.

Is Terminal Lucidity a Window Into the Soul?

Patients with dementia sometimes "come back" briefly into lucid conversation. How is that possible?

Darwin Was a Loser Before He Was Recast as a Legend

The Myth was not the man. A new book shows this in Darwin's own words.

Big Science Is a Subsidiary of Socialists and Global Leftists

When 95% of staff university staff are leftists, what do you expect of their research?

Darwinian Materialism Is Destroying Science

The rejection of Biblical morality has consequences in due time.

Clueless Scientists Ask Wrong Questions

By definition, you can't get a right answer to a wrong question.

Is Materialism Starting to Crack?

Some papers in journals offer hope that materialist assumptions are weakening.

Archive: Fruit Fly in Flight Simulator

Here are more stories from 20 years ago at Creation-Evolution Headlines, Dec. 2003.

Materialists Choose to Believe in Determinism

Why do materialists fail to see the self-refuting flaw in denial of free will?

New ‘Assembly Theory’ Is Repackaged Idolatry

New and improved — a mechanistic scientism! But isn't it like the old kind of worship of stones?

Can Secular Spirituality Exist?

The rarity of life in the cosmos is making some scientists look for meaning in mindlessness.

Archive: Material Girls (and Boys) in a Material World Are Not Happy Campers

This article was published twenty years ago on Sept 7, 2003.
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