More Proof that the Dunning-Kruger Effect Is Fake

Only an ignorant person would use the Dunning-Kruger Effect to shame you, says a mathematician.

Mathematicians Visualize Evolution in Algorithms

Molecules just want to come together and become living cooperators, say these university eggheads.

Scholars Criticize Scientific Models

Modeling is common in the sciences, but models and reality are different things. Two recent articles warn that models can generate misleading conclusions.

Evolution Is Not a Person

Ascribing thoughts and purposes to evolution is a logical fallacy. At its core, natural selection has no foresight or direction.

Gene Duplication Is Not a Credible Source of Evolutionary Progress

Belief triumphs over facts in an evolutionist's claim that duplicate genes can evolve new functions.

Will Decolonization Destroy Science?

A complex issue could have positive and negative effects. One of the negatives could destroy Western science.

Words Disprove Materialism

You can't even think about materialism without using something immaterial.

Weasel Goes the PopGen

Is the field of population genetics a valid science or an assumption-laden storytelling game?

Teach Science in the Yard

Parents caught in the role of home schoolers should take their students outside for two benefits: education and health.

Scientist, Heal Thyself

People who play "King's X" in the science lab had better be aware of their limitations and vulnerabilities.

Something Cannot Be Born from Nothing

Exasperated by the lack of evidence for dark matter, some are now wondering if it came before the beginning.

Design in Chemistry Explained by a PhD Chemist

Dr Henry Richter, chemist and spacecraft pioneer, presents chemistry as a manifestation of the Creator's wisdom.

Father of Neo-Darwinism Condemned with Faint Praise

At a lecture meant to honor the late R. A. Fisher, father of neo-Darwinism, an evolutionist was on the spot to try to say something nice.
Gregor Mendel, 1822 - 1884

Mathematician and Geneticist Team Up to Correct Fisher’s Theorem

A new paper corrects errors in Fisher's Theorem, a mathematical "proof" of Darwinism. Rather than supporting evolution, the corrected theorem inverts it.

How the Brain Serves the Mind

More sophisticated than any computer, the brain runs many background tasks to aid and assist our conscious choices.
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