Archive: The Lone Ranger in Science Is Sometimes the Good Guy

Grote Reber's story is little known but important. Here it is again from 21 years ago.

Big Science Fossilizes Rapidly

There's no soft tissue in big scientific research fields when consensus sets in.

Anti-Biblical Bias Shaped Geological Opinion

Geologists resisted evidence for catastrophic flooding because they wanted to distance themselves from Genesis.

Three Mavericks Who Won

The loner, not the consensus, is sometimes the one whose views get traction in science. Here are three historical examples.

What Is the Temperature of the Earth?

The news are all reporting 2014 as the hottest year on record, but no one is asking how such a measurement can be made without bias.

Bob Ballard Throws Out Textbooks for a Living

An interview with oceanographer Bob Ballard shows him taking glee at proving the scientific consensus wrong.

A Tale of Two Mavericks

Two men who recently died are now being honored for their willingness to have stood up to the majority and advanced views that were unpopular at the time.
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