John Tyndall’s Vision of Science Turned it to Atheism

British naturalist John Tyndall (1820-1893) actively sought to turn science away from God, and succeeded beyond his dreams.
James Clerk Maxwell, 1831 - 1879

Maxwell’s Equations Touch Quantum Mechanics

MIT physicists are cheering a breakthrough that celebrates the applicability of Maxwell's theory to the nano scale.

Space Pioneers Who Trusted in God

The mainstream media try to present science and technology as fields owned by evolutionists. Not true.

May the Weak Force Be With You

We couldn't live without the weak force, the least understood and underappreciated natural force.

Hard Science Has a Firm Grip on Unreality

Anybody who thinks the hard sciences give us confidence in the real world should read this.

Classical Creation Physicists Still Make News

They lived before relativity and quantum mechanics, but their insights continue to stimulate productive research in 21st-century physics.

When Darwinists Tolerate Faith

Francis Collins gets tolerable coverage in the secular media for his brand of Christian faith. That's not necessarily good.

Entrepreneurs Seek to Cure Ageing

Could scientists cure ageing, allowing humans to live Old Testament lifespans? A contest is on to fix the "chronic disease" of growing old.

Darwin: Imagine a World Without Him

A new book tries to imagine how different the world would be, had Darwin as an individual not lived to promote his particular views on evolution.

Lord Kelvin Extolled as Giant of Science and Creationist

One of the eminent scientists of the 19th century was a Bible-believing creationist, the BBC agrees.

Shining Light on Dark Energy

Fifteen years after cosmologists proposed the existence of dark energy, they have learned nothing about it. In “Cosmology: Out of the Darkness,” Matthew Chalmers discussed the current thinking of Brian Schmidt, who shared the Nobel prize in 2011 for discovering cosmic acceleration (actually, an inference based on light from supernovae; see 9/30/2012).  “Fifteen years after […]

Inflation Again: This Time with Feeling

Inflation is dead. Long live inflation.

From Wonders of Nature to Wonders of Technology

Living things have solved physics problems like design engineers. Inventors are just now catching on to their tricks in ways that could improve our technology, weaning us off our crude, polluting past and ushering in advanced technology that is not only greener but more effective. The latest stars are two insects and a bacterium.
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