Would Science Miss Darwin?

If evolutionism fell out of favor in academia, science would continue—without a ball and chain.

AiG: The CEH Influence

Answers in Genesis has cited material from our editor for years. Here are some examples.

2024 in Review

Thanks to readers and supporters of CEH in 2024. Here is a review of this year's posts.

Archive: Clocks, JPL, Smell, Rapid Geology, Mole Rats, Darwin for Kids, ATP Synthase, Golgi, Joy

Here are some of the stories we were reporting in mid November 2001, restored from archives.

Archive: Sagan, Schools, Tools, Design, Noses, Fossils, Water, More

Here are some of the stories we were reporting in early November 2001, restored from archives.

Archive: Brittlestars, Extinction, Feathers, Adultery, Cells, Censorship

These posts from August 2001 show that some topics discussed 23 years ago are still in the news.

Archive: Rafting, Oxygen, Indoctrination, Mars Flood, More

These articles from August 2001 can provoke insight, disgust, humor, or any combination of the three.

Archive: Fossils, Evolution, Cell Repair, Morals, SETI

Some of the lies evolutionists were telling 23 years ago are still being told today.

Vulture Design Highlighted

Illustra Media's new short film shows that ugly things can be beautiful in their own way.

Noah and Flood Get Media Exposure

Two events are presenting evidence for a global Flood and a floating craft that saved Noah's family.

Rampant Fraud in Science Grows

The epidemic of fraud in science hits an all-time high.

2023 in Review

Thanks to all who have supported CEH. Here are highlights from 2023. Reporting will resume on Jan. 2.

Researchers, Stop Kowtowing to the Darwin Party

It's not necessary to say that the biological system you're studying "evolved." Drop the habit and your science will improve.

Big Science Sinking in a Swamp of Wokeness

Honest scientists are worth their weight in gold, but the public face of Big Science has been infected by leftism.

Evolution Media: Dogma First, Then Puzzles

Evolution is a fact! Got that? If so, now you are ready for the difficulties.
All Posts by Date
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