Is Materialism Starting to Crack?

Some papers in journals offer hope that materialist assumptions are weakening.

Darwin’s Bulldog Raised Mentally-Ill Perverts

Another review of a book about the Huxley family unloads the dirty laundry.

Psychologists Are Schizophrenic about Mental Illness

They can't define it; they can't form a consensus. Maybe they should go back to Genesis.

Cannabis Use Linked to Mental Disorders

Marijuana use linked to schizophrenia: why would God create a harmful plant?

Social Darwinists Are Mentally Unbalanced

New survey shows Darwinism’s supporters are mentally unbalanced — a conclusion that many of us felt was true before this study was done.

Don’t Trust a Secular Shrink

What is secular psychology good for? With few exceptions, it is good for nothing but running away from.

Psychology Co-Ops ‘Science’ to Fight Biblical Morality

Secular psychology is not science. It uses the word 'science' to promote anti-Biblical morality.

Push Your Body

The human body is so amazing, it deserves the exploration of its capabilities. That is best done outdoors in creation.

Unapologetic Mass Murderer Motivated by Darwin Lives in Comfort in Prison, While Victim Trauma Continues

Stress-caused mental illnesses skyrocketed after a Darwin-inspired mass murderer went on a killing spree in 2011.

Questioning the Sanity of Big Science and Big Media

Scientists arrogate to themselves the authority to diagnose insanity, but they and their friends in the mainstream media believe some pretty nutty things.

Darwinism Still Corrupts Culture

The bad fruits of Social Darwinism are well known. Less well known are ongoing negative influences of modern Darwinian ideas on human behavior.

"Political" Science Threatens Historic American Values

Take any issue on the political scene, and you will find the scientific elites cheering for the left side.

Psychotherapy Effectiveness Exaggerated

It's depressing that psychotherapy inflates its effectiveness in treating depression.

What's On Your Mind?

News on neuroscience that will stimulate you to think about your brain thinking about thinking.

Schizophrenia: Diagnosis or Delusion?

Much as psychiatrists would like to help the afflicted, it doesn't help to affix an empty label to an imprecise condition.
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