Fossil Bird Oil Stuns Scientists

A gland that birds use for preening, including the fatty oil, has been found in a fossil. Could it really be 48 million years old? Yesterday, we reported a soft tissue find in a turtle fossil said to be 54 million years old. Within hours, another story appeared about soft tissue from a bird fossil […]

Breathtaking Cretaceous Fossil Mammal Preserves Soft Tissue

A mammal fossil from Spain perfectly preserves fur and internal organs, but is said to be 125 million years old.

The Early Hummingbird Gets the Evolutionary Nectar

A three-inch fossil bird is said to be the earliest nectar-feeder, meaning pollination by birds is older and more complex than thought.

Mating Turtles Fossilized Instantly

Evolutionary paleontologists have a mystery on their hands: how did turtles in the act of mating become fossilized?
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