Models Are Not Facts

Scientists rely on computer models, but are some of them creating fake illusions of reality?

Archive: Titan’s Young Atmosphere, More

These articles from January 2002 still hold interest for us all.

Climate Blindfolds and Hypocrisy

The scare about greenhouse gases evaporates when considering what leftist governments did in Sept 2022.

COP28 vs Science

The UN climate conference is making world-shattering decisions based on questionable scientific inference.

Weekend Climate Reader

Research on climate does not always match political hype.

How to Keep Titan Old Despite Evidence

Cassini's finding of a mostly dry Titan falsified expectations. But secularists refuse to give up on their beloved billions of years.

Comfort for the Climate Panicked

Take heart; the world is not coming to an end. Who says so? Climate scientists.

More Reasons to Doubt a Climate Doomsday

We're just reporting what secular pro-warmist journals are saying.

Climate Science Is Imprecise

The alarmist warmists ignore papers that keep calling for a "rethink" about carbon sources and sinks.

Warming Caused Little Ice Age

Here are more indications that long-term climate forecasting is beyond human prognostication ability.

Astrobiologists Ignore Life Complexity

To astrobiologists, cells are just emergent collections of matter. The difficulty of getting them to emerge escapes their notice.   Planetary scientists revealed their bad habit of hydrobioscopy again this week. They reasoned, Saturn’s little moon Enceladus has water; it has methane; it could have life! Why is that their focus? Why are they ignoring […]

Saturn Scientists Dodge Age Issues

Several papers have appeared this month about Saturn and its moons, but they all gloss over the implications for long ages.

Solutions Come from Freedom and Ingenuity, Not Government

Look at these fantastic examples of potential solutions to world problems coming from motivated scientists.

Climate Hysteria Goes Far Beyond the Science

The behavior of scientists, the media, and individuals who follow them like groupies tells a lot about the nature of science.

Saturn-Day and Moon-Day Arrive

Last Saturday, we looked at news about Saturn and its rings. This "Saturn"-day we look at news about Saturn's moons.
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