ENST: Information Spreads in the Atmospheric Highway

DNA travels the globe. This article was printed by Evolution News last October.

Evolutionary Medicine Will Not Help Medical Research

Why evolution has nothing positive to offer medical science

Pathogens Devolved

They're calling it evolution, but it's easier to be a freeloader than an independent organism.

Desert Varnish Goes Biological

What was thought to be a geological phenomenon turns out to be the work of photosynthetic bacteria.

Leeuwenhoek’s Character Questioned

Researchers make unwarranted insinuations based on indirect observations of two historic microscopes.

Microbes Travel the Globe

The tiniest of life forms are able to traverse continental distances on wings of the wind.

Does Evolution Wait for Mountains?

Here is the latest association fallacy between geology and biology. Mainstream science lets it pass without criticism.

Extraordinary Claim: Life on Venus?

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, scientists like to say. One smelly molecule is not enough to claim life.

Old-Earth Evolutionists Have Blown Their Cred

All the news media are uncritically parroting a preposterous claim that makes the Rip Van Winkle fable look reasonable.

Stay Healthy; Get Dirty

Studies of two people groups confirm that exposure to nature helps prime the immune system – among other benefits.

Time to Get Down and Dirty

Staying too clean can be bad for you. Let your good germs take care of the bad ones.

Tiny Life Benefits the Whole World

Some very small organisms can produce global effects, such as the tiny crustaceans that stir the oceans every night. What would the oceans be like without life? If minerals, gases and nutrients had to mix by diffusion, the process would be very slow. Wind and currents could help somewhat. Now, Houghton et al., publishing in […]

Saturnians Are Safe from Cassini Germs

Cassini scientists crashed their spacecraft into Saturn today in order to protect possible life forms on Titan, Enceladus and other moons.

Life Helps Protect the Planet

When humans make a mess of things, our fellow organisms try to help. That's no excuse for our failures to be good stewards.
Saturn's moon Enceladus with "Tiger Stripes" fissures where geysers erupt

Enceladus Pumps Imagination into the Vacuum

NASA astrobiologists abandon scientific restraint in a naked push to titillate taxpayers for another vain quest to find life beyond Earth.
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