Hummingbird Beak Is a Nectar Wringer

New high-speed movies of hummingbirds show how nectar in the retracting tongue is drawn into the mouth.

Did Nice Dogs Evolve from Mean Wolves?

Yet another evolution story falters: dog domestication tale fails to support another tale: how wild apes became civilized humans.

Extinction Is Not Evolution

How can scientists and reporters write articles on "evolution" when evidence shows organisms died or didn't change?

Some Professionally-Safe Darwin Doubters Are Now Speaking Out

When the coast is clear, and their careers are safe, some academics can afford to doubt Darwin publicly.

Designed Selection Is Not Evolution

When you insert mindful choice or programmed choice into a process, Darwinism disappears.

Silly Evolution Speculations Would Cease If Media Allowed Fair Debate

Evolutionists get away with ridiculous stories because Big Science and Big Media are intolerant of opposing views. Healthy science requires open debate.

Next Evolutionary Icon: Peppered Snakes?

Sea snakes said to turn black due to 'industrial melanism'—a term from the old peppered moth story. Media go wild.

Cultural Evolution Theory: Darwin Fail on Arrival

Here's why theories on the evolution of human culture are doomed from the get-go.

The Plants That Didn’t Evolve

Here's a look at recent botanical news stories that should offer plenty of opportunities for evolutionists to show how plants evolved.

Fake Evolution Is Not Evidence

The media have a bad habit of calling things 'evolution' that fail to support the notion that people have bacteria ancestors.

Evolution for the Birds

Birds have not evolved as much as evolutionary theories about them have.

Forcing Contrary Data into Evolution Stories

Some recent findings might raise the eyebrows of perceptive readers: "How does that support evolution?"

Evolutionists: Give Us Your Best Shot

News reporters often shout evolutionary evidence with chutzpah. Let's call their bluff.

Evolutionists Don't Understand Their Own Theory

If evolutionists and reporters stuck to the essence of neo-Darwinism, many of their claims would never reach the press.

Mouse to Elephant? Just Add Time

How do you evolve a mouse into an elephant? Just add 24 million generations. But you can shrink it back down in just 100,000 generations. This and other eyebrow-raising stories have been told in the secular science media recently.
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