Archive: Your Model Train Set

Model trains in your cells? Yes: read about this and other wonders from 21 years ago. Note: Some embedded links may no longer work. Your Model Train Set   02/25/2003 Model train enthusiasts never had it so good. Imagine five different models of finely-crafted engines, all in perfect working order, and enough track to cover a […]

Animists in Modern Dress: Origin-of-Lifers

The spirits of the molecules give rise to animated complex systems, goes the new false religion.

Archive Classic: Astrobiology, 0 Steps Forward, 3 Steps Back

From 2005: Report of a JPL lecture on the origin of life offers nothing but anti-scientific speculation.

Miller Experiment Still Sells Building Blocks of Lie

After nearly 68 years, the Miller Experiment still has propaganda value. Update: just add glass chips, get more lies.

Sappy OOL Hypothesis Turns Sour

A spoonful of sugar helps an unrealistic origins story go down, but it doesn't make it nutritious.

Goofy OOL to Make Fools Drool

OOL (origin of life) material is shoveled out like Halloween candy to gullible kids, unaware they are being given poison.

Still Hunting for Life in the Solar System After All of These Years

The only place where life exists in our solar system is in the imagination of evolutionists.

Origin of Life: A Field of Ignorance

The origin of life field is characterized by speculation about dumb molecules that could not possibly have organized themselves into living beings.

OOL Foolishness Is Out of Control

Most scientists working on origin of life (OOL) have lost all semblance of respect for empiricism.

Why Astronomers Hammer Planets

Secular planetary scientists have a skeleton key that unlocks any planetary mystery: the BFH.

Secularists Battle Over Which Life Theory Is More Wrong

Origin-of-life camps don't recognize that RNA-World theories and hydrothermal-vent theories suffer from the same basic problem.

Origin-of-Life Speculation Goes Off the Rails

Astrobiologists and their accomplices in the media are finding life everywhere where it isn't or couldn't be. Time to call in the science rangers.

New Thoughts on Habitable Planets

Astrobiologists are trying to standardize the requirements for habitable planets. Do they get them all?

Astrobiology Has No Bio

When you take the "bio" out of astrobiology, what do you get? Is it still a science?

Primordial Soup as a Wizard's Potion

Certain concepts in materialistic origin of life seem to have more to do with witchcraft than reputable science.
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