Motley Origins News

This is a collection of unrelated articles on creation or evolution of interest to our readers.

Beware of Mindfulness

A popular meditation technique derived from ancient Buddhism "can be harmful – and can even make mental health worse."

Science Overturns Itself

Examples of debunked scientific beliefs should give pause about what scientists know.

Evolutionary Psychology Tries to Replace Religion

Anything a church can do, evolution can do better, think evolutionary psychologists. But is science on their side?

Can You Have Godliness without God?

Secular scientists attempt to promote righteousness through human effort.

Object of Meditation Matters

People with depression who have been taught mindfulness and meditation do not always get better. Why not?

Some Meditation Practices Can Be Scary

A non-judgmental survey of reactions to meditation found a surprising percentage of negative experiences afterward.

Mormons and Psychologists Burn Their Brains

Can an MRI scan tell anything about spiritual experience?

When Spirituality Intersects Science

Who saved the Ebola-stricken doctor, God or science? What is science's take on whether to flee or fight terrorism? Why should a scientist be honest?

A Beautiful Mind in a Beautiful Brain

Neuroscience has gathered much interesting data, but still is clueless about how a mind emerges from a brain.

Does Character Count?

Evolutionists try to make everything about human nature a product of an unguided, naturalistic ancestry. Then why have sermons or seminars on doing the right thing?
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