Archive: Motors, Teens, Geology Mysteries, Mars Flood, Pluto, Stem Cells, More

Here are some of the stories we were reporting in early December 2001, restored from archives.

Is Science Returning to Mysticism?

Mysticism can take many forms. It can be god-of-the-gaps, or it can be refusal to consider the possibility of a immaterial causes.

Witchcraft Evolves, Says New Study

Survey tries to pin witchcraft on religiosity, but if it evolves, a Darwinist must conclude it improves the fitness of a group.

Arabian Artifacts Undermine Human Evolution Narrative

Human evolution story is in shambles (again) after finds in Arabia, but the Darwinian storytellers have no shame. They keep imagining new tales.

Christians Need to Stop Retreating and Take the Lead in the Marketplace of Ideas

Secular psychologists try to pigeonhole evangelical Christians as second-class citizens enslaved to groupthink. The opposite is true. It's time to boldly say so.

Origin-of-Life Research Abandons Chemistry, Turns to Miracles

If a chance explosion created the universe out of nothing, maybe another 'big bang' created life, too.

Atheists Do Not Exist

Being an atheist is impossible. Everyone believes in the supernatural and in miracles.

Dinosaur Digest

Here's a collection of recent news about the extinct creatures that fascinate everyone: the dinosaurs.

Miracles in Solar System Origin Theories

Skipping over a difficulty because it can't be solved scientifically: that's one giant backward leap for theory kind.

Scientism on Plagues, or Vice Versa

Can the 10 plagues in Exodus be explained by science? Only through the plague of scientism, which is plagued itself by its own miracles.

Resurrection Debate Time

Easter is coming. It must be time for secularists to emerge like cicadas, chirping that the resurrection of Christ never happened. Sure enough.

Silly Stories About Early Man

The few fossils of alleged human ancestors leave a lot of room for imagination.

Is Science Free of Miracles?

"No miracles" is a favorite phrase by an evolutionist who finds that perplexing problems always "yield to evolutionary thinking."

Every Planet Surprises Secular Astronomers, III: Formation Theories

"Surprise" or "puzzling" are the most common words in news reports about bodies in the solar system. Here are recent examples that discuss the origin of planets.

Naturalizing Miracles, or Miracle-izing Nature?

Certain scientists feel a need to explain all phenomena by means of natural processes, including reports of miracles. The word “natural,” however, is slippery, taking on a variety of meanings. Is scientific reasoning, for instance, natural? If so, it is not composed of atoms and forces acting according to “natural law.” Is it possible that the tables can be turned on the naturalizers, to rescue Christmas from materialist re-interpretation?
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