Archive: Jellyfish, Stem Cells, Quran, Bats, Homo, Titan, Spiders, More

Here are some of the stories we were reporting in January 2002, restored from archives. Some of the items here were of fundamental importance at the time.

Horse Sense About Horse History Revision

Plains Indians were riding European-brought horses a century earlier than thought. What does this mean?

Horsemanship Began Recently

Evolutionists claim that intelligent humans existed a million years ago, but only learned to ride a horse a few thousand years ago.

What Did Neanderthals Think About?

The Neanderthal mind explored: research shows that Neanderthals were our physical and mental brothers and sisters.

Early Man Stories Becoming More Convoluted

Trusting the Darwinians about human evolution requires willing suspension of disbelief.

More Big Problems with Human Evolution

Fossil discoveries keep "rewriting" or "overturning" accepted ideas about human evolution. Here are two more recent examples.

Oldest Animal Cave Painting Baffles Evolutionary Anthropologists

How did cave art of animals appear on opposite sides of the world at the same time? What’s being called the oldest cave painting of an animal has been dated by evolutionary anthropologists at a minimum of 40,000 years old. The baffling thing is that similar cave art in Europe dates to roughly the same […]

Brain of Homo Naledi Estimated

The intriguing hominid fossils from a South African cave make news again. This time, the discoverer and a team of anthropologists learn more about the brains of these creatures. Were they people? In 2013, the world was shocked to hear of bones of Homo deep within the Rising Star Cave system in South Africa. Bones […]

Oldest Language in India Only 4,500 Years Old

If modern humans left Africa 185,000 years ago or more, why does the oldest language in India date back less than 3% of that time?

Early Humans Have Always Been Smart

Evolutionists trying to portray 'primitive' humans as evolving 'hominids' beneath our intellectual abilities keep running afoul of new discoveries.

Paleoanthropology: The Science of Being Always Wrong

Fossil hunters looking for human evolution have been wrong so many times, the rubble of bombed theories is bouncing. Listen to their own admissions. Jen Viegas in Seeker, in an article reposted by Live Science, describes three clever ways that Neanderthal Man invented adhesives 200,000 Darwin Years ago. More interesting than the techniques, though, are […]

Drastic Fossil Date Revisions Never Deter Evolutionists

The best illustration of dogmatism among evolutionists is seeing how they cling to their beliefs even when fossil dates change radically.

More Evidence that Neanderthals Were Fully Human

by Dr Jerry Bergman For over a century, Neanderthals were considered the evolutionary ancestors of modern humans. The leading biology textbooks pictured Neanderthals as the missing link between apes and modern man.1 These misleading illustrations no doubt convinced many thousands to accept human evolution. The latest evidence that Neanderthals are fully modern humans, and simply […]

Don’t Trust Scientists Who Were Wrong; Fire Them

The best scam is to keep fooling people into trusting your latest ideas even after you've admitted you've been wrong all along.

Human Brains Have Always Been Unique

Whether examined from inside or outside, young or old, historical or modern, eastern or western, the human brain is like no other biological organ.
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