Darwin and Evolution Darwinism Is Fracturing; Darwinist Celebrates November 10, 2022 Here's how to celebrate a fractured theory and forestall a scientific revolution: look happy and excited. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Darwin Sausage Factory Exposed July 6, 2022 A look inside the sausage factory where Darwinism is manufactured could leave a visitor retching. CONTINUE READING
Genetics Neutral Theory of Evolution Debunked March 2, 2019 Dr Jerry Bergman elaborates on a proof in Michael Behe's new book that the neutral theory of evolution fails. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Darwin Debate Published by Nature October 13, 2014 Two teams, both committed evolutionists, duked it out in Nature over whether Darwin's mechanism is adequate to explain the diversity of life. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution How Useful Is Evolutionary Theory? March 12, 2014 In science, it's not enough to have a paradigm that merely keeps scientists busy, if they are rarely right. CONTINUE READING