Swimming Lambeosaurs and Other Dino Headlines

Evolutionists continue hiding their solutions to puzzles in Deep Time.

Footprints in the Quicksands of Deep Time

The human footprints are real. Deep time is not.

The Dinosaur Times

Reports about giant reptiles in the news: plesiosaurs and mosasaurs in the Sahara, fast-growing sauropods, Jurassic fish, more!

Unique Fossils Defy Evolution

When fossils are found of one-off creatures without apparent relatives, how could Darwinism explain that?

Surprising Fossils: Flying and Swimming Reptiles

Ask if these fossils support millions of years of evolution, or a more recent Biblical timeframe with a creation and flood view of life.

More Big Problems with Human Evolution

Fossil discoveries keep "rewriting" or "overturning" accepted ideas about human evolution. Here are two more recent examples.

350,000-Year-Old Skull Looks Shockingly Like Modern Human

It's too old, but too modern: a skull unearthed in Ethiopia in 2017 has evolutionary paleontologists rewriting textbooks – again.

Now It’s Cool to Praise Neanderthals

Long the brunt of jokes, Neanderthals are trending upward in respect. Scientists keep finding things to admire in our 'archaic' brethren.

Unusual Fossils Twisted to Support Darwinism

A fossil is a standalone reality. Darwinism is a story that force-fits these standalone realities into a predetermined narrative. Watch how it is done.

Don’t Trust Scientists Who Were Wrong; Fire Them

The best scam is to keep fooling people into trusting your latest ideas even after you've admitted you've been wrong all along.

Human Brains Have Always Been Unique

Whether examined from inside or outside, young or old, historical or modern, eastern or western, the human brain is like no other biological organ.
Ruth Moore, "Evolution" book, Life Young Readers Library 1968

Stop the Presses! Human Evolution Falsified!

Human bones found in Morocco undermine almost everything that has been taught about human evolution since Darwin. But is that news? Happens every year, doesn't it?

Fossils Too Detailed to Be Old

When you see exceptional preservation like this, is it credible to assume these animals lived as long ago as Darwinians claim they did?
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