Blinking is a Big Problem for Evolution

New research supports creation, not evolution.

What’s Up with Hoatzin?

The origin of the hoatzin still baffles evolutionists. It is the strangest and most enigmatic bird species in the world

Questioning Another Dino-Bird

Another Chinese fossil bird with a few dinosaur-like characteristics raises question about the evolutionary narrative.

Press Welcomes "Lucy Neighbor"

Another species of Australopithecus has been named. But does the evidence justify the big to-do in the media?

Platypus Dinosaur: A Vegetarian T. Rex

A new dinosaur from Chile is as unbelievable as the first reported platypus was to English zoologists: a crazy mix of animals.

Fish Ancestry Turned On Its Head

A so-called "primitive" bony fish with traits of sharks confuses the usual story of fish ancestry.

Homage to Diatoms

Twenty percent of the air you are breathing came from tiny animals living in crystal cathedrals.

Divorce Spats Between Lucy and Designated Replacement

Lucy was the darling of the 1980s, but with Australopithecus sediba taking center stage, her fans are not happy.
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