Can Science Study Demonology?

One cannot make predictions about what a mind will do. Secular scientists mock belief in angels and demons, but they have their own occult beliefs.

Chicago Pastor Blames Crime on Evolution

Why is Chicago the murder capitol of America? Factors are complex, but one pastor fingers the devaluing of human life because of evolutionary ideology.

The Heart Is Desperately Wicked

Self-deception seems hard-wired into the human psyche, and scientists are not immune from it.

Evolutionary Materialism Promotes Deadly Sins

Name a vice, and Darwinians will be there to rationalize it on evolutionary grounds. They claim proud ownership of the Seven Deadly Sins.

Violence Is Natural, Darwinians Say

The implications of saying violence is a product of natural selection are disturbing.

Who Knows the Evil that Darwinians Do?

Look no further for disproof of Darwinism than the horrid fruits of believing in it.

Theology Affects Society

One's beliefs about God affect everything from criminal justice to personal hope.

What's On Your Mind?

News on neuroscience that will stimulate you to think about your brain thinking about thinking.

Harvard Evolutionists Justify Terror as Darwinian Fitness

Their "study" involved native tribespeople, but the amoral implications give aid and comfort to evildoers.

Darwinians Accept Murder as an Evolutionary Strategy

Chimps do what comes naturally: murder each other. Who's to argue if natural selection found it to be an effective strategy?
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