Darwinism Evolves to Elude Falsification

The flexibility of Darwinian stories can be seen in two recent escape mechanisms.

Smart Mammal Tricks

Take any animal group. The closer you look, the more interesting things get. Check out four mammals.

Darwin Sale

We need to clear the deck of evolution news. Here's a list of headlines presented "as is" for interested readers to research further.

Ingenious Seed Bomb "Designed by Evolution"

Red hot peppers! Can evolution "design" anything, especially a chemical bomb a plant uses to be sure its seeds get spread properly?

Rethinking Parasitism

Parasitism is bad. Parasitism is evil. Parasites wage war against innocent hosts. This is our mindset. What if parasites can do good? This change of heart seems to be happening for one case, the case of transposable genetic elements. If they are only doing harm to the host, why did some biologists find that “positive selection” seems to be maintaining them? That makes it sound like the cells need them.

Unique Mammal Senses

The ability to sense the environment is vital to all living things, and is a key characteristic that separates life from non-life. The senses are not limited to the five we learn as children – sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell. In the animal kingdom there are more. Some of them repurpose existing organs; some detect other information from the world not detectable with the normal sense organs. In mammals, two very different animals – bats and dolphins – have expanded our understanding of sensation.

Evolution Takes Credit

It may be more blessed to give than to receive, but evolution often just takes.
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