Fossil Roaches Did Not Evolve

Cockroaches preserved in amber show no evolution, but the Darwinists celebrate anyway.

Another Living Fossil Challenges Darwinian Explanations

The excuses that Darwinists make up for evidence against their theory need to be exposed and shamed.

Dinosaur Era Fossils Fail to Support Evolution

You have to squint hard to see the image of Charles Darwin in these bones. It works better if you close your eyes.

Darwin Report Card: How Useful Is Evolutionary Theory?

We examine numerous articles and papers that talk about evolution to see if neo-Darwinism (or even old Darwinism) actually contributes to the understanding of nature.

A Bird, a Mushroom, and a Fly Fossilized Fast

Exceptional preservation of soft tissues required rapid fossilization. Did they really die a hundred million years ago?

Proof of Dinosaur Feathers?

Opinions are swirling about an amazing piece of amber with enclosed feathers. Let's look at what is known so far.

How the Dragon Got Its Beard

Scales are not feathers are not hair, but evolutionary tales get hairy sometimes.

O Beautiful for Amber Waves of Fossils

Striking examples of life encased in fossil tree sap open eyes on creation vs evolution.
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