Spotted and Striped: Why Many Animals Have Elaborate Patterns

Evolutionists are at a loss to explain the patterns that adorn many diverse animals.

Archive Classic: Looking for Laws to Make Darwinism Scientific

This was the first of our articles to refer to natural selection as the "Stuff Happens Law."

On the Origin of Natural Law by Materialism

Attempts to prove that the universe’s origin occurred purely as a result of natural law fail.

Darwinists Try to Overcome Just-So Story Reputation

Try as they might, theorists cannot turn Darwinism into a mechanistic law of science.

The Gravity of the Situation Confounds Physicists

The mystery of gravity deepens: how does gravity act over vast distances?

Design of Snowflakes Explained

Illustra has released a new short film on snowflakes. What kind of design do crystals represent, natural or intentional?

What the Most Eminent Cosmologist Believed

Could the most eminent and honored physicist of our lifetime actually believe such a thing as this?

Design in Chemistry Explained by a PhD Chemist

Dr Henry Richter, chemist and spacecraft pioneer, presents chemistry as a manifestation of the Creator's wisdom.

How the Stuff Happens Law Can Be Scientific

The most vacuous scientific explanation of all meets the standard requirements of science.

Environments Do Not Cause Adaptations

The way some evolutionists think, light creates eyes, sound creates ears, and odors create noses.

Animals Don’t Respect Darwin

Living things owe no obligation to Darwin. They will break his laws with reckless abandon.

Henry David Thoreau’s Debt to Darwin Led to Loss of Belief in God

The effects of Darwinism go far beyond biology. On the bicentenary of Henry David Thoreau, a historian traces his fall from grace into Darwinian materialism.

Secularists Use Intelligent Design Reasoning

Data from a star are hard to reconcile with natural causes. Are super-intelligent aliens at work?

Secular Scientists Rely on Biblical Values

It's a material world, except when you need truth, justice, and the scientific way.

Whale Secrets

Whales possess some remarkable traits that are the envy of engineers, and the dismay of evolutionists.
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