Archive: Ancient DNA, Evolution, Panspermia, Nazis, Creation, Phillip Johnson

CEH was not yet a year old when these articles were published in late July 2001.

Nazi Medicine Inspired by Darwin

Darwin-inspired Nazi medicine dominated academia in Germany and produced a horrific medical atlas.

Darwinism Played a Central Role in Nazi Crimes

—A fact documented by a new study published by the leading medical journal The Lancet.

Creationists Slandered About the Darwin-Nazi Connection

Darwin's influence on Nazism is now mainstream—yet creationists are ruthlessly attacked for pointing it out.

Historian Agrees: Darwin and Eugenics Led to the Holocaust

Historians are finally coming clean about how Darwinism birthed eugenics which spawned the Holocaust.

Conservative Utah Aggressively Supported Eugenics

Contradiction: eugenics was bad, but a 2023 analysis suggests that eugenics is OK if achieved by abortion.

Darwinian Scientists Produced the Holocaust

How Scientists and University Professors Produced the Holocaust: The Shadow of the Professor Change Laura Tan Case.

Darwinism-Inspired Hepatitis Experiments Exposed

More evidence of experimenting on so-called inferior races: the harm Darwinism caused grows as new examples are uncovered.

Darwinists Still Attempting to Prove Criminality is Genetic

  The idea that criminality represents a throwback to our pre-modern stage of human evolution, (i.e., to the innate aggressiveness of our survival-of-the-fittest animal ancestry) was disproved over a century ago. Shamefully, it’s back. by Jerry Bergman, PhD. Introduction Phrenology, the art of divining personality by evaluating bumps on the human head, is one of […]

Eugenics Reborn: Devaluing Down Syndrome Births (Part 2)

Did eugenics ever die? A new movement says it hasn’t!  by Jerry Bergman, PhD My last report covered an article in The Atlantic magazine (November 2020) titled, “The Last Children of Down Syndrome,” by Sarah Zhang, in which she explores the eugenic results of prenatal testing in Denmark. She reported that Denmark and other Nordic […]

The New Eugenics: Eliminating Down Syndrome

Why the left is vehemently in support of abortion and opposed to President Trump and his last Supreme Court judges, all pro-life.

Evolutionary Textbooks Promoted Racism

Biology textbooks played a significant role in promoting racism, but this embarrassing history is often ignored. Dr Jerry Bergman explains why.

Margaret Sanger Gets Cancelled

Finally, Darwin Disciple Margaret Sanger is exposed by the liberal media! But is it enough?

Evolution is the Fuel Behind Racism

  A Brief History of Darwin-Inspired Racial Prejudice by Jerry Bergman, PhD The riots that have plagued the world during the last few weeks were, in my experience, the worst I have seen in my lifetime. Even those that occurred after Martin Luther King, Jr., was murdered were not as violent. I was born and […]

Darwinist Tormentors Cry Over Torment Caused by Their Victims

When the scientific establishment is wrong or evil, science denialism can be a good thing.
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