Positive Selection Is a Myth

Evolutionists have been bluffing with math about signals of positive natural selection in the genes. They were wrong.

Natural Selection: Where Is It?

Darwin's claim to fame is strangely missing when the critical eye reads scientific papers looking for it.

Graduate Level Baloney Detecting About Natural Selection

We examine some leading journal papers that lean on natural selection to see if they can wobble without falling over.

Natural Selection: The Ghost Idol of Biology

A spirit that works in mysterious ways. Biologists cannot nail it down, but insist it can turn bacteria into biologists.

Negative Selection Is Not What Darwin Wanted

Darwin wanted to explain humans from bacteria. He can't get there by just protecting what bacteria already had.

Darwinians Find Positive Selection

Yesterday we broadcast seven episodes of the Darwin Fail comedy show. Today, we let some evolutionists claim success for positive natural selection.

Roach Bait Story Highlights Abuse of Word "Evolution"

Evolution is one of the most carelessly-used words in science, as several recent articles show. Not all change is evolution the way Darwin meant it.
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