Terrestrial Zoology Fly Nervous System Exceeds Expectations July 2, 2024 One look at this nerve diagram should eliminate thoughts of evolution. CONTINUE READING
Human Body Brain Plasticity in Children with Cataracts December 4, 2023 News of more plasticity in vision than we thought was possible in older children is most welcome. CONTINUE READING
Human Body Secrets of the Vagus Nerve Revealed September 11, 2023 This nerve is turning out to be of central importance in health. CONTINUE READING
Early Man Telling the Tooth about Brains September 7, 2022 Has new research about teeth helped evolutionists understand why humans evolved large brains? CONTINUE READING
Marine Biology How to Comb a Jelly August 9, 2022 To make a comb jelly attractive to a Darwinian, all you have to do is reduce the number of miracles required for its appearance. CONTINUE READING
Cell Biology “It Evolved” Is Not an Explanation July 12, 2018 A Darwinian can stare at evidence for intelligent design all day and conclude, without batting an eye, "evolution did it." Look at these examples. CONTINUE READING
Terrestrial Zoology Animals Can Be Smarter Than You Think January 4, 2017 Here are four organisms with surprising mental powers. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Comb Jellies Force Evolutionists into Absurd Hypotheses June 5, 2014 Could something as complex as a nervous system evolve twice independently? That's what Darwinists are saying after looking at the genes of comb jellies. CONTINUE READING