Archive: Bluffing Darwinists, NASA missions, Failing Evolution, Honeybees, More

Here are some resurrected articles from the end of 2001.

Film Creates Awe About the Brain

Illustra Media's latest short film will have you spellbound over the systems at work in your head.

Fly Nervous System Exceeds Expectations

One look at this nerve diagram should eliminate thoughts of evolution.

The Sense of Smell Seems Almost Magical

Smell is far more complex than believed, new research shows.

Gaze Anchoring Keeps Your Eye on the Ball

Without this automatic ability in the eye, vision would be awash in distracting information.

Mammals With Inspiring Snouts

Mammal species with remarkable noses give scientists an education and inspiration.

Fingertips Can Detect Single Atom Differences

The touch sensitivity of finger skin could not be improved. There's a purpose for fingerprints, too.

Darwin Imagineers Stuff Fantasy Narratives with Irrelevant Details

Brains are like trees, only ours are upside down because plant brains are in the roots. Both came from chemicals.

Fly Specialties Amaze Scientists

The humble housefly deserves some respect for its engineering design.

How to Do Biology Without Darwin

A paper and press release compare fish and humans, but avoid falling into the Darwin just-so-story habit.

Brain Thoughts

Here are recent findings about brains that are big and small, squishy and tough, but all amazing.

Brain Provides Shortcuts for the Will

The brain is like a smart assistant, allowing previously-learned actions to be called up on demand.

Brains by Mistake: The Darwin Poof Spoof

To Darwinians, brains are merely meat computers that arose by accident. The evidence for "over-design," however, is beyond comprehension.

More Wonders to Be Thankful For

Things going on in your body should put believers in chance to shame. Read and be awestruck.

Wonders of the Equipment in Your Head

Look at what scientists are finding you can do, or is being done automatically for you.
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