Is Materialism Starting to Crack?

Some papers in journals offer hope that materialist assumptions are weakening.

Evolutionists Deceive Themselves about Consciousness

Nature cannot select consciousness unless you make it an idol.

Good Science Still Flourishing Without Darwinism

Take heart at the good things that are coming from Darwin-free research, especially findings that improve our lives.

The Hard Problem With Evolutionary Consciousness Theories

A new proposal to solve the hard problem of consciousness misses the real problem: evolutionary materialism.

Fingertips Can Detect Single Atom Differences

The touch sensitivity of finger skin could not be improved. There's a purpose for fingerprints, too.

Hand Signals of Design

The human hand turns out to have much more capability for complex movement than scientists thought.

Brain Science Needs a Rethink

Have the sciences of the mind, from psychology to neuroscience, really grasped what's going on inside our skulls?

Brain Thoughts

Here are recent findings about brains that are big and small, squishy and tough, but all amazing.

Music Is Noise to Monkeys

Experiments show that monkeys prefer noise over music, even though they have brain similarities with humans.

Darwinians Still Justify Genetic Determinism

One of the most dangerous philosophies in the history of mankind is still embedded in modern Darwinism.

Science Media Still Overwhelmingly Leftist

Try to find a conservative point of view in the following secular news stories. We found one in the long list.

The Mind-Body Problem Has Not Been Solved by Naturalism

Several news stories bring back the issue of mind-body dualism with a vengeance.

Evolutionary Ethics Ruins Families

Teach children they are accidents of nature, and what will you get? Family breakdown. But the evidence goes against the evolutionary view.

Time to Re-Mind the Brain

A radical rethink is needed to understand the brain, a neuroscientist complains. A radical rethink is needed to understand human exceptionalism, too.

The Mind Is Free When the Body Is Locked-In

Four ALS patients unable to move at all learned to communicate with their thoughts. Despite their condition, they all said they were happy.
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