Will Dark Matter Hunters Ever Give Up?

The history of dark matter searches is a long string of non-detections. When does theory have to face reality?

Dark Matter Still Missing After Many Decades

Astrophysicists have spent millions of dollars for decades to look at nothing.
Mayall Telescope at Kitt Peak

Cosmologists Out of Touch with Reality

Secular cosmologists can't find things that they tell us should exist. Is reality the problem, or is it dead-end thinking instead?

Astronomical Theories Totally Wrong and Upside Down

From the planetary scale to the cosmic scale, astronomers are throwing away textbooks.

Lightning Can Produce Carbon-14

In a surprise announcement, Japanese researchers found that lightning bolts can be powerful enough to cause nuclear fission, leading to new isotopes— including carbon-14.

Can Radioactive Decay Constants Vary?

Three physicists claim to see cyclical variations in beta decay rates of two elements correlated with solar neutrino flux.

Cosmologists Are Blind in the Dark

A rash of recent science articles shows that secular cosmologists have no idea where they are, or why.

Science Will Never Know Some Things

Working against scientists' ambitions are hurdles of reality.

Planet Theories vs. the Evidence

Planet theorists are putting up a valiant fight against new findings, but in some cases, the evidence seems to be winning.

Space Physics and Fables

Physics is supposed to be the king of “hard science” because of its precise mathematics, predictability and falsifiability. When transferred off our planet, however, it seems speculation is the order of the day.
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